Saturday, January 5, 2013

More Memories of Maneti

A couple of years ago I posted some memorable Muziki wa Dansi, a tribute by Tanzania's Orchestra Vijana Jazz to their departed lead singer Hayati Hemed Maneti. Hayati Maneti (Last Recording) (Ahadi/Flatim AHD (MC) 6018) is another outing dedicated to the great vocalist. The usual caveats regarding recording quality apply:

Orchestra Vijana Jazz - Witi Zangu Mnaninyanyasa

Orchestra Vijana Jazz - Ngapulila No. 2

Orchestra Vijana Jazz - Imani za Uchawi

Orchestra Vijana Jazz - Nyongise (Kihehe)

Orchestra Vijana Jazz - Heshima ya Mtu

Orchestra Vijana Jazz - Siri ya Ndani

Download Hayati Maneti (Last Recording) as a zipped file here. Purely by coincidence, when I logged on this morning I saw that Stefan at WorldService has posted the great Vijana LP Mary Maria here. And if you're looking for still more classic Vijana, Sterns Music's The Koka Koka Sex Battalion: Rumba, Koka Koka & Kamata Sukuma - Music From Tanzania 1975-1980 is highly recommended. The picture at the top of this post is entitled "My Village" and is by a Tanzanian artist named Mkumba. Explore more of his work and that of a number of other excellent East African artists here.


  1. Just for the record, Hayati is not a name it. It means "the departed" or as we might say "the late" Maneti.

  2. So when I write "departed lead singer Hayati Hemed Maneti," it's redundant! Thanks, Doug!

  3. Happy to see Vijana Jazz on 2 great blogs to start 2013.
    Thanks to all.

  4. Sasa nilisikiza kanda hii ya Vijana.
    Kimuziki Tz inatawala tangu.
    Asante John B. , Akubarike, ... tukubariki...
    Sauti ya ajabu kweli... ya Tz kweli...
    Ahadi Oyee...

  5. Sasa nilisikiza kanda hii ya Vijana.
    Kimuziki Tz inatawala tangu zamani.
    Asante John B. , Akubarike, ... tukubariki...
    Ahadi Oyee...

  6. Create Maneti ..... You will remain in memories any time by fans of allegiance.

  7. Nyongise was my first composition in Vijana Jazz...originally I wanted it to be in Kiswahili mentioning the names of all the members of the band. The Bassist then Manitu Mussa advised me to create Kihehe lyricks for the song and Nyongise was born

  8. John: Thank you very much for that comment! I'd like to hear more from you. You can contact me directly at: beadlejp (at) yahoo (dot) com.

  9. This is a wonderful tape - especially the opening couple of tracks, loads of energy, excitement & inspiration. Thanks for giving us so much of Vijana & Maneti.

  10. The Orchestra are really touch my heart, good sound, good harmony...

  11. Hi John, I saw many of your blog posts and while I notice your blog hasn't been updated in a long time, I like the focus and the music you've chosen to select. It is very interesting. I am now starting a blog on Sub-Saharan African music, available at Check it out in the future if you'd like, I hope to explore a diverse selection of music including some of the music you have shared here.
