Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Let Us Dance Sikinde!

Here's another in Likembe's continuing series of releases by Tanzania's legendary DDC Mlimani Park Orchestra, this one a little-heard LP from 1989, Dua La Kuku (Polydor POLP 589). I can't say too much about this one - contrary to the photos on the album sleeve, it seems to feature a stripped-down lineup for the band, at least their sikinde sound isn't as "beefy" as usual. It's fine music nonetheless. Tucheze sikinde! "Let us dance sikinde!"

DDC Mlimani Park Orchestra - Dua La Kuku

DDC Mlimani Park Orchestra - Nakubali Nimekosa

DDC Mlimani Park Orchestra - Heko Rais Moi

DDC Mlimani Park Orchestra - Ukombozi Wa Afrika

Download Dua La Kuku as a zipped file here.


  1. Thanks! Anything with the DDC Mlimani Park Orch is always welcome in our household.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Be blessed!....I was totally confused what happened to my likembe.

    Once again thanks for the this valuable post from Mlimani Park Orchestra. Looking forward more from this heavy weight band in my country Tanzania

  4. Finally I find this album! My brother had a cassette tape of the songs in 1990. The tape disappeared sometimes later and that was that...thank you
