Thursday, November 30, 2017


Les Officiers of African Music were a "super-group" formed in the 1980s by Congolese musicians (mainly from the Brazzaville side of the river) in Paris, notably Tchico Tchicaya, Passi-Jo, Ballou Canta and Nianzi Gaulard, "L'Amiral Cheri-Gau," the star of today's offering, Conspiration (Savas SA 30.0048).

There's not much to say about this one except it's a primo example of mid-'80s Congo rumba at its best. Enjoy!

L'Amiral Cheri-Gau & Les Officiers of African Music - Ce Combat de la Vie

L'Amiral Cheri-Gau & Les Officiers of African Music - Mth Amour

L'Amiral Cheri-Gau & Les Officiers of African Music - Tungu

L'Amiral Cheri-Gau & Les Officiers of African Music - La Musique est une Science

Download Conspiration as a zipped file here.


  1. Loved that album the first time I heard it in a boutique. Bought mine right then and there!

  2. Thanks John. This is a very sweet album. I had never heard it before. I find this Brazzaville in Paris sound lighter than the music coming out of Kinshasa at the same time. The band just floats along.

  3. Excellent album! So glad your back John!!!

    Dave from Riverwest

  4. Can someone please give me the names of the musicians the photo by fvor. Thank you very much

