Thursday, June 20, 2019

Ripoff Alert!

For some time now, a dubious operation called "Kipepeo Publishing," apparently based in Kenya, has been peddling on Amazon CDs made from MP3s downloaded, for free, from this site and others. Moos's Global Groove in particular has also been a prominent victim.

Now, I want to emphasize that neither I, nor Moos, nor any of our fellow African music bloggers own the rights to this music. We digitize old LPs that are long out of print, we clean up the sound quality as best we can, scan the covers and labels, etc. because we love the music and want to share it with others. Obtaining these recordings often entails considerable expense, travel and so forth (Moos in particular spends thousands of dollars at record fairs digging up these gems). In return we don't expect remuneration, but recognition and gratitude are appreciated.

We don't have much legal recourse against these shysters, of course. As I say, we don't own the rights to the music. It's disappointing to see Amazon party to this fraud, and supposedly there is an appeals process, which some people have already utilized, to little avail apparently. For my part, I see no point.

Here's a suggestion: If you're scanning Amazon for some classic African sounds and you see something you're interested in from this "Kipepeo Publishing," do a little internet search. There's a good possibility you'll find it for free here or on some other site. Save your money!


  1. That we live in a world full of vultures and hyenas is not a surprise.

    At least thanks to your good work, those fraudsters, disseminate those albums in an acceptable quality, there are other worse than these, that even feed on youtube to get their material.

    There are also some so-called suppliers of African music that distribute the sound of damaged cassettes, with dirty sound and cuts in the songs.

    These not only steal the artists, they also depreciate the music.

    Keep working with love John, keeping the music alive is the task.

    They are the artists and their descendants who are in charge of regaining control of the economic benefits of the songs, but it is your work that maintains its value.

    A big thank you!

  2. I am sorry to read this news. By sharing this amazing music, you have spread a lot of happiness and hope. Thank you. Apurva from Pune, India

  3. Thank you Sir. You've made the life of a young West African Music producer beautiful with the dedication to finding and sharing these records. I'll always credit you and all Legends. I also sent you a message on FB. Thanks once again. CS

  4. Hi John, I see that you have deleted this comment, that I came to answer ...For me there is no problem, if you want to eliminate it again, but I'm going to put it back in, to answer him.

    "The African Shyster has left a new comment on the post" Ripoff Alert! ":You rip them off (or rip the albums without right), they rip you off (without right) - 1: 1! :) "

    I think you are not very intelligent.
    Likembe digs up lost art, from an era before the current copyright, or is in the hands of anyone, and shares it to save it from oblivion and disappearance.

    Thanks to "this", sometimes these artists or their heirs, recover their rights from their works.

    These thieves called "Kipepeo Publishing" sell some works that do not belong to them.

    For your mind, comparing generosity with greed is 1 = 1

    Surely you must be Kipepeo.

  5. The African ShysterAugust 28, 2019 at 7:23 AM

    It's obviously no point in getting into this any further since you don't want no opinion than your own.

    And no, ngoni, I'm not Kipepeo but a fellow blogger who shares music as well, but not illegally anymore. Amen.

  6. Okay, "Shyster," I guess you won't mind telling us what your blog is, then, since you're totally above board.

  7. Hi, sorry for being off topic.
    I contacts some blogs I linked in my own blog: you may feel concerned.
    I am currently publishing a large document on the biggest scam in the history of music. As such situation already exist in various places, at a lower level, you may feel concerned.
    It would be great if you can link it on your blog.
    feel free to contact me for more information on the subject.

  8. But who is Kipepeo Publishing?
