Two cassettes from Ivory Coast, both by the outstanding ensemble Système Gazeur, one of the many zouglou groups that emerged in that country in the late 1980s and early '90s. About the band I've been able to find little. I can tell you that zouglou arose on the college campuses partly in response to the crisis afflicting the educational system, and accompanied protests against the situation. In the words of a popular tune at the time by the artist Digbeu:
We're tired of your pretty speeches,Système Gazeur, in Ambiance Facile (EMI E06991-4, 1991) reject the electronic affectations of more recent zouglou artists like Magic System, Sur-Choc and Esprit de Yop, opting for a more organic, traditional vocal and percussion sound. It's truly execptional!
Tired of the unemployment rate,
Tired of all these untouchables,
Tired of your hospitals,
Tired of insecurity,
Tired of all these hold-ups.¹
Système Gazeur - Zomammanzo
Système Gazeur - Anangotche
Système Gazeur - Awoulaba
Système Gazeur - Sebosei / Bolisika / Gazer
Système Gazeur - Awoulaba / Akepile / Manhouho / Kalaleda
Download Ambiance Facile as a zipped file here.

Mamie Ton Alloco (EMI E0106292-4, 1992), on the other hand, is well within the zouglou mainstream, with the full complement of drum machines and synth (and apparently a much-reduced lineup). It's nonetheless a great release, an excellent representative of the genre:
Système Gazeur - Mamie Ton Alloco
Système Gazeur - Nathalie Tu Exageres
Système Gazeur - Hommage a Fulgence Kassy
Système Gazeur - Te Memin Houmyoua
Système Gazeur - Depayou
Download Mamie Ton Alloco as a zipped file here.
¹ "Music is the Weapon of the Future," by Frank Tenaile, Chicago Review Press, 2002