Saturday, January 26, 2008

Another New Blog

Please join me in welcoming to the Blogosphere our good friend Fabian Altahona Romero of Barranquilla, Colombia. His new Africolombia blog promises plenty of wall-scorchers, not only from Colombia but from Nigeria, Congo and points farther afield. Since starting the blog on January 2o, Fabian has posted: Ernesto Djedje, a cumbia remake of Fela's "Shakara" by Colombia's Pedro Beltran, a number of other killer Colombian 45s (I haven't had time to download them all yet), Nigeria's Imo Brothers, Bopol Mansiamina, and much, much more!

I check the Google Analytics statistics for Likembe every morning, and I'm amazed at the number of hits that come from Colombia, most from the Cartagena-Barranquilla area. There are some serious African music fans around those parts! If you enjoy Champeta and the other African-inflected sounds of Colombia's Caribbean coast as much as I do, and are interested in further explorations, you could do a lot worse than to check Fabian's blog out.


Unknown said...


Thank you for your welcome at you wonderfull blog, it is an honour for me


Comb & Razor said...

Africolombia isn't exactly "new," is it? i could've sworn it had been around for a while, albeit dormant....

...or am i thinking of a different Afro-Colombia-based blog?

John B. said...

Yes, there now two "Africolombia" websites: Fabian's old one, which is still there, and the new Africolombia BLOG. You'll find both of them in the sidebar of this blog under "Listen."

Africolombia said...

Sure, Amigos!

I have 2 web sites.
the first is ( / africolombia) and now the new Blog. But I will stay with the (blog) is much faster and work tools are more comfortable, much easier to use. (Personal opinion)


Comb & Razor said...

okay.. i see. i got confused and became scared that i was imagining things because i remembered an old Africolombia site!